U10 - Corporate - illustration

Securities exchange : Euronext Growth Paris.

The U10 Corp Share

Stock market information

Liquidity provider

  • TP ICAP (Europe) SA


  • For French PEA equity savings accounts : YES
  • For the Deferred Settlement Service (DSS) : NO


  • ISIN Code – FR 0000079147
  • Ticker – ALU10
  • Bloomberg – ALU10:FP
  • Reuters – ALU10.PA

Stock coverage

  • TP ICAP (Europe) SA : Florent THY-TINE (Sponsored research)

Real-time share price data

Share information

Historical price data

December 13, 2019 : U10 became U10 Corp August 6, 2018 : transfer to Euronext Growth (ex : Alternext) November 30, 2005 : 5-for-1 stock split and OBSAR bond issue July 1, 2004 : transfer to the “Second Marché” of the Paris stock exchange September 27, 2002 : 4-for-1 stock split December 2, 1999 : listing on the “Marché Libre” of the Paris stock exchange

Share information

View monthly price by year

MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December1.9501.7651.91159 949302 564
November2.1301.8601.99392 664784 472
October1.9651.831.8988 796167 805
September2.061.8751.97207 584408 628
August1.991.79 1.85165 220305 924
July1.881.551.70219 956390 759
June1.88 1.63 1.77106 138187 758
May1.951.801.86146 353271 914
April1.921.751.84235 532431 595
March1.791.621.73179 077308 731
Febuary1.801.491.70196 261334 690
January1.8751.361.55533 158855 294
FY 2020
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)* Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December1.461.281.36305 517420 343
November1.471.21.32265 087351 945
October1.3251.21.2796 199121 815
September1.491.211.34179 962243 145
August1.351.271.3041 65354 236
July1.411.261.35149 680199 047
June1.471.241.36201 035269 001
May1.531.071.23388 395498 210
April1.251.071.15178 253205 128
March1.601.021.32226 155300 130
February1.901.431.71165 413281 429
January2.101.631.85173 301321 552
FY 2019
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December1.981.571.73215 205383 720
November1.591.511.5553 30582 410
October1.961.501.56234 765382 017
September1.611.351.45105 975156 246
August1.531.351.4257 50481 907
July1.611.491.5480 771124 159
June1.681.441.55130 358202 015
May1.651.551.6091 399145 921
April1.761.411.60234 510365 065
March1.801.521.74180 903313 744
February1.851.451.60188 886295 674
January2.051.691.94244 983445 496
FY 2018
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December2.111.851.95106 020208 739
November2.241.952.09224 179470 901
October2.551.872.24333 071723 019
September3.242.522.93205 791578 382
August3.333.113.2448 701157 218
July3.623.203.3472 290241 571
June3.623.463.54100 376354 318
May3.693.453.57107 378381 131
April3.703.403.5483 766296 032
March3.773.503,63120 817438 008
February3.923.603.75141 647530 417
January4.163.573.92305 8161 208 817
FY 2017
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December3.683.213.43212 713729 649
November3.763.223.401 267 390 4 240 073
October3.303.093.25265 294853 200
September3.673.123.40398 5791 343 618
August3.743.513.64220 365801 135
July4.383.664.06436 8351 742 419
June4.734.164.46563 4412 528 564
May4.303.964.101 782 3147 331 368
April4.103.743.87311 5811 223 335
March3.793.583.67231 611851 564
February3.803.63.67342 0571 254 737
January3.823.573.68518 3801 912 644
FY 2016
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December3.853.483.62235 699857 031
November3.783.243.54171 637600 411
October4.233.593.99368 3531 436 857n
September4.654.044.32200 824869 305
August4.283.944.11120 546495 670
July4.253.653.83114 075447 822
June4.193.533.94326 3961 215 097
May4.193.904,10194 485799 533
Avril4.243.644.10205 043834 954
Mach4.013.503.7845 824173 454
February3.833.403.6466 677237 387
January4.153.403.91100 409380 607
FY 2015
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December4.353.974.1959 766247 756
November4.543.924.3171 923306 731
October4.523.694.01169 681701 477
September4.323.423.89359 6411 427 049
August4.593.884.24203 553864 177
July5.154.454.83204 213971 022
June4.954.364.75317 8911 495 579
May4.964.614.81143 599689 640
April5.09 4.674.84132 635640 530
March5.604.715.24268 1581 388 722
February5.454.704.91181 965911 883
January4.954.564.72272 6341 287 950
FY 2014
MonthHigh (adjusted)*Low (adjusted)*Average price (adjusted)*Monthly trading volume in sharesMonthly trading volume in euros
December5.104.364.63259 9231 244 662
November4.494.054.29127 974546 005
October4.313.423.97 261 067 1 028 788
September4.484.124.30153 247658 379
August4.353.744.2287 930363 837
July4.403.984.23181 836746 975
June4.624.314.4788 895395 841
May4.794.114.43391 1691 674 402
April4.804.224.53161 789729 007
March4.864.284.62231 7031 059 702
February4.604.064.28238 1521 016 617
January4.293.313.84632 0632 476 208

* Adjusted price: adjusted to permit comparison over time of changes in the price of the share as calculated based on the actual number of shares making up the share capital.

Capital Structure

Breakdown of share capital and voting rights

10 110 707 shares at 31/12/2024

Thierry LIEVRE 71,86% of the share capital and 83,10% of the voting rights (through the TLK and Docker holding companies)

Free float 28,14% of the share capital and 16,90% % of the voting rights


  • Dividend for fiscal 2017

    In July 2018, U10 paid a dividend of €0.18 per share for fiscal 2017.

  • Dividend for fiscal 2016

    In July 2017, U10 paid a dividend of €0.30 per share for fiscal 2016.

  • Dividend for fiscal 2015

    In July 2016, U10 paid a dividend of €0.21 per share for fiscal 2015.

  • Dividend for fiscal 2014

    In September 2015, U10 paid a dividend of €0.21 per share for fiscal 2014.

  • Dividend for fiscal 2013

    In July 2014, U10 paid a dividend of €0.16 per share for fiscal 2013.


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U10 Corp shares may be held in two forms

Bearer shares

You may request to purchase U10 Corp shares in this form from your bank or financial intermediary to be registered and maintained in a securities account opened in your name.

Registered shares

Standard registered shares (nominatif pur), are managed directly by the company through a dedicated securities service department. Registered shares managed by third parties (nominatif administré) , are maintained by your bank or financial intermediary.

Financial Calendar

Financial publications 2024

  • 19 JUNE 2024  Annual General Meeting
  • 31 JULY 2024* H1 2024 Revenue
  • 31 OCTOBER 2024* H1 2024 Results
  • 26 FEBRUARY 2025* 2024 Annual sales
  • 30 APRIL 2025* 2024 Annual results

* After the close of trading

This schedule is given for information, it is subject to change.

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

The board of Directors of U10 Corp is made up of four members. The company respects its obligations with respect to corporate governance and the principle of gender diversity.

Composition of the Board of Directors

Thierry LIEVRE
Group Founder and Chairman-Chief Executive Officer / Chairman of the Board of Directors


Independent director

LVR Capital

The directors of U10 Corp bring together complementary mix of professional experience and expertise and all have a thorough knowledge of the company.
The Board of Directors determines the strategy for U10’s business operations and ensures its execution.


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Head office U10 Corp 1 place Verrazzano - CP610, 69258 LYON Cedex 09 04 37 64 47 80